Monday, October 27, 2008

Money is not everything

Money is not everything,but is almost everything.

Without money,I never ever get to go shopping.Without money,I won't have a proper

education.Without money,I am going to live in a cardboard box under the bridge.Without

money,I will be eating banana skin.Without money,I will be walking naked or wearing


That's the worst thing about money.No wonder my cousin moans like hell when the price goes

up up up.The best thing about money is that you can buy respect,women,or play a game of 'burn

the money'.

Money is not everything,there's MasterCard and Visa.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Again,i think females are like bastard

I seen something on a novel and think it is absolutely right--females are cheap(don't mistake me,some females are cheap).

Every single female in the universe wants a partner that is handsome,rich,have good abilities,speaking with good manners,and their sex gotta be kinky and fun .The best of all is being very nice and take extra care and love them with all his mind.

They themselves can be lazy and spend all the money on shopping or don't get to have well manners.Everyone wants to hear 'gentleman',no ones give a thought about 'gentlewoman',when there's billions X billions of women which are acting like wild cows--no--wild hippopotamus.

Females are like some kinda maniac,shouting hoarse or acting crazy when they find out their partner kissing,flirting,doing any things that sounds sensitive,when they themselves enjoy being love by some other men,or sleeping with them?

Cinderella wouldn't ever marry the prince if he wasn't handsome,will she?
No.I don't think she will wanna marry with a guy who's got a big belly,small eyes,short or all that.Even in fairy tales,there's only the girl being poor,being not-very-charming,all the boys Must be like Prince Charming.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Females are sometimes bastard

It's weird saying this 'cause i m a girl,but i can't push away the mind that females are sometimes bastard.

Why is that?

Well,sometimes females act like supreme hero in front of male,'cause they think now that the female world is much more higher in quality than male.It's totally unfair because without male,you won't have another boyfriend,or husband.Without male,you won't have the chance to get a proper sex.Without male,the Earth won't spin again.

Sometimes some female blame all the problem on male, which isn't fair.Example:a man cheated on a woman,and then the woman do something idiotic like taking drugs,dying,and all that nonsense.When the woman finally get it all over,she will think that all the men in the whole universe are scum or something smelly that roll over on a shit.
There are all these stuff about men being scum,but i think that lesbians exist because they think that men are animals stuff with worms,or brains stuck up at the buttock(too low-class for them).

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

12-year-old 's job

The only ever suitable job for a 12-year-old teenager (child?) in the 21st century is learning.

Learning is something that will never ever ends,and i didn't doubt that God will learn all.You can
learn languages,science and maths....Then,when you upgrade to a higher level you will learn
more.But when a totally brain box and science/maths legend human will discover more about the
subjects and even when you learnt it all,you will have to learn again.One day when Mars
bumped into Earth,i seriously want to tell you that not a human on Earth or an alien on Mars will
finish the job and learn all the languages.

The unsuitable and disagreeable job for a 12-year-old teenager(child??) is going out

in couples,dating.I think it the most unsuitable job 'cause elders say that we got no moral

(another thing to learn).Is it no moral,when you kiss your boyfriend/girlfriend?I am very sure

that the parents or teachers or headmasters or respectable persons does that.

The most poor and bad luck and awful job for a 12-year-old teenager(child???)is being a

beggar.Like,you gotta stay under a boiling sun or under a almost-crumpled bridge or in the

middle of a street,using this ever so hurt expression to look at strangers,hoping against hope

that they will pity a few dollars for you.Of course,you can have got nothing but a raising eyebrow

or a quick look,then you can starve off today and cart off to the hospital.

Well,of course nearly no-one in the 12-year-old world want to do the right job.The second job

seems the best.Only an alien want to have the third job.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

12 years old,38kg = fat ?

OK, you gotta admit i m really fit and slim--at the face and hands. I am getting desperately

desperate because my legs are full of f.a.t.and tummy look like i have swallow a beach ball,which

really helps when i wanna wear swimming suit or bikini.Not.

Don't laugh,'cause it's a terrifyingly serious problem.Like,am i going to suck in my tummy for the

rest of my life?Wearing tight shorts or skirts to keep it in?What am i going to solve this world-

class-serious problem?I can't help when all the fat wants to stay at my tummy,they just don't

want to go to my hands or my cheeks.

I am mortified if every one keeps telling me to stop eating.I have ban ice-creams out of my life

and chase away junks.I fell in love with vegetables and fruits.

It's a weeny bit difficult to tell me for exercises.I am not rubbish at it,i am just reasonably

good.It's no good to give me medicines.Like,you only give me that if you want my mum to kill


I am sure millions and billions of girls are chubby(no offence) but it's difficult to find a case like

mine.When i saw the poster of a girl so slim on the upside,yet the downside is terribly ridiculous,

i am quite scared i will be like that.This is all because I am gonna upgrade into a teenager.Bah.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Galfriends and Boyfriends

Why on the hell parents don't let teenagers go in couples? Discuss.
1.They think your results will be bad if u start sticking a bf/gf/.(which seems likely to be true)
2.They think you will have sex with your bf/gf.(they are acting a crime if they think this,our grandma and grandpas make love when they are only 15)
3. They think you will waste your time with your bf/gf,rather than them.(no solving to this problem,every teenagers are like this)
4. They think this is not common sense to have bf/gf too early.(pur-lease!this is absolutely within the law!!)
5. They think you will become a gay/les or start raping boys/girls or needed to send to mph(mental problem hospital)or got problems on mental and fizical.(no arguing,this is quite true)
I think i need to communicate more with my parents 'cause big rows small rows medium rows will appear if i don't,and this is definetly the only way to solve problems.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

headmaster and headmistress

Miss Yap is a really old bat(bad) headmistress with amazing powers to annoy and iritate students(i dunno if teachers are effected).The way she talk!U 'd think she gots more power than Voldermort ever got to make a sleeping spell.Of course,i really RESPECT and ADORE her 'cause i am a loyal student to our school.If u ever wanna select a GOOD school,make sure u have a whole report about the headmister/headmistress's mental and fizikal conditions.If u don't,u will have to make life with ur headmister/-tress for years.
To help a new genarations,i,jaize,decided to help u choose schools with a few steps out.
Step 1 : have a whole report of his/her mental and fizikal report
Step 2 : make sure u interview him/her,to make sure he/she didn't got irritating habits
(poking noses , smiling too much , talking like a nanny :nag,nag,nag)
Step 3 : be careful if u r in his/her school 'cause u might never know if he/she starts a tantrum
or jus hav a row with their loves one.
That day when she's torturing me and my friends with a sport dance(teaching us ridiculously wrong steps then saying it's OUR fault,and let us repeat the dance non-stop until someone nearly collasoped).The only 2 ways i can do is :forgive and forget,or , imagine she's a large hidous cockrache and step the horrible and terrible pest.