Tuesday, December 28, 2010


Sometimes I prefer schooling days.Just sometimes.'Cause almost everybody do nothing in holidays.And I always end up wasting it and doing nothing and get bored and get tempted to go shopping and waste my(mum's) money.Haha.Well,I dont think my clothes are a waste.

So,other than reading books and writing new year resolution,i like to find things to amuse myself.Like about a week ago,mum bought some blinds to eliminate ugly curtains.So every time someone opens the door, the blinds will be pushed towards the windows and let out a sound.I keep opening the door for fun just to listen to the sound.And laugh when my dog takes a step back every time he i do it.

Well, that just shows how bored i am.Just to kill time, i read a "how to get rich" book mum bought and still hadn't got rich. It's bit like 1,2,3. You save,you invest,you keep the money to stay rich. Yeah,quite easy if you can keep it out with enough PR and enough study. But then the author quoted something that's really brilliant:

Thought leads to actions,
Actions lead to habits,
Habits become your character,
Character determines destiny.

Just one thing,though. He talked a lot about characters and stuff and that's not really something you can just take it,off the book and into your life. You'd have to developed it yourself and have it in your mind something special that makes you successful and rich and all those things.Blablabla.Who dosen't know.

So i take some actions and write out some really detailed new year resolutions that took my half an hour to thought out. And a year to act out. It's not that hard to know what you want and what you can want if you have a right direction and enough sense.Hmph. That's really vague,isn't it?

Well, I really do want improvement, and that's something mummy and daddy can't give,and i really do want next year, when I'm 15(getting older), that i can do something meaningful that will make a sweet sixteen,seventeen and after. Not like being a star like Justin Bieber(who despite his awful young-ish,really did make it) overnight.

Not that I didn't dreamed of it before.

Thirteen i wasted on a lot of sick,love novels and stupid daydreams and sleeping in classes.Fourteen i found improvement(not in the height section,definitely) so i decided to use my fifteen to find what kind of person i'll be after my teen life.I think time is kinda rushing through because I'm no longer gonna be fourteen.:/

Some people might say how young it is to be fourteen and stuff like that.But many times,many times people will say, it's too late.

ME,i'm definitely not saying those dreaded three words.